Order view in Montel Marketplace

Please see below an overview of all the active orders in the service.

From here, you can view all the prices which have been added to Montel Marketplace, whether they are buy orders, sell orders, or an order which has received a counteroffer or counterbid in the service.

Market orders

To get more information on an order, click on the order you are interested in, and it will expand to display more information:


Color codes

Green: Open prices – these prices are open for everyone in
Marketplace to trade.

Blue: Counterparty prices – these orders have been placed by your counterparties and are available for your company to trade.

Orange: Your orders – these orders have been placed on Marketplace by you.

Purple: Your company’s orders – these orders have been placed on Marketplace by your company.

No color: these orders have been placed by a company which is not on your list of counterparties. You will need to connect with them to be able to trade.


My orders

To view all your active buy or sell orders click on “My orders”.


Company orders

To view all active buy or sell orders from your company click on “Company order”.

A list of all active orders will be displayed. Any orders you have placed will be marked in orange.